Buy Fiorenzato Coffee Grinders

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    All Ground Sense Dark-T


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    • 4.6
      Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
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      F64 EVO PRO Dark-T


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        All Ground Dark-T 64mm


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          F64 EVO Dark-T


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            F4 EVO Dark-T


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              F83 E Dark-T


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              • 4.6
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                F64 E Dark-T


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                  F83 E Pro Dark-T


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                  Fiorenzato is one of the fastest growing commercial grinder brands in the world, primarily focused on the needs of commercial coffee. Until several years ago, this Venice based grinder company had been known as the discount oriented junior of the better known Mazzer brand, which is also based near Venice. But in recent years, Fiorenzato has embarked on a massive reinvestment campaign, with the intention of being the global leader in commercial grinders.

                  Fiorenzato has reinvented itself by bringing their grinder burr production in-house. This has allowed it to adopt a higher grade of steel - M340 grade steel. In 2022 it launched a major redesign of its entire portfolio of grinders, dramatically improving user experience and minimizing grind retention. It was also the first brand to launch an easy-access burr chamber design, and is one of the few grinder brands that has a grind-by-weight variant. In a stark break from the past, Fiorenzato is now known for its ability to rapidly bring new innovations to market.

                  Your Fiorenzato coffee grinder comes with a wide array of models, including flat burr models like the F64 and F83. It also has pro editions of these models which feature an easy access burr chamber. The XGI series features its patented grind-by-weight feature. It also has the conical style F71 and F71 Pro Models. Fiorenzato also recently launched the All Ground, which is a hybrid burr grinder for the home market. It remains the only serious home grinder made by a commercial grinder brand.

                  What To Look For In A Coffee Grinder

                  When choosing a coffee grinder, there are a few important factors to consider to ensure that you select a grinder that will meet your needs. Here are some things to look for:

                  Burr Size: Larger burrs can grind espresso more efficiently than relatively smaller burrs. However, larger burrs also tend to be higher-priced as they often need larger motors to power the system. Such grinders are ideal for café settings and not the home espresso enthusiast. Regardless of burr size, go for a grinder that grinds consistently across any grind setting.

                  Burr Material: While stainless steel burrs can last a long time with proper care, it does get dull and damaged after repeated use. In contrast, ceramic burr grinders don’t normally lose their sharpness. Furthermore, since steel can rust, you have to clean your grinder after each use. Ceramics don’t have that problem, so it requires very little maintenance. On the other hand, Steel burrs are more heavy duty, much sharper, and aren’t as brittle as ceramic burrs.

                  Motor Power: Measured in watts and ranges from roughly 100W to over 400W, more powerful motors have longer duty cycles which basically means they can grind more coffee and usually do it faster. Grinders with lower powered motors often have duty cycles of only 60 seconds then it requires rest for about ten minutes before you can use it again.

                  Grind by Time vs Grind by Weight: Large hopper grinders typically have two variants in measuring grind volume. Grind-by-time grinders require you to set the amount of time you wish to grind. For instance, 4.5 seconds on a Mahlkonig E65S will produce about 20 grams of coffee for a double shot of espresso within a specific coffee and grind setting. Remember to adjust the time depending on your grind setting or coffee beans. Meanwhile, Grind-by-weight grinders require you to set the desired weight in grams, push the grind button, and a few seconds later, you have exactly the amount of ground coffee you would need in your portafilter.

                  How do I choose the right Fiorenzato grinder model for my needs?

                  If you’re looking for a commercial grinder, here are some of our solid picks from Fiorenzato:

                  F64 EVO PRO — this Fiorenzato coffee grinder allows baristas to calibrate espresso recipes with a timed dose set on the touch-screen. This grinder is great for medium-high volume cafés and coffee shops that prioritize efficient and repeatable processes behind the bar.

                  F64 EVO XGi PRO — This grinder has it all. Efficiency, durability, you name it. It features Fiorenzato’s EVO climate control technology, XGi grind-by-weight technology, and the PRO easy cleaning setup. This grinder is ideal for high-volume coffee shops that require non-stop grinding while maintaining superior espresso quality.

                  F83 E PRO — The PRO line features a detachable grinding chamber for easy cleaning and its 83mm burrs provide better precision and grind size uniformity compared to small burr sets. It also comes with continuous micrometric grind settings, and a highly-responsive touchscreen display

                  F83 E XGi PRO — the F83 E XGi PRO incorporates grind-by-weight technology to the F83 E PRO. The Fiorenzato F83 E XGi PRO espresso grinder is ideal for coffee shops looking for a grinder with built-in scales and a larger burr size for more espresso shot precision and capacity.

                  If you’re looking for a home espresso grinder, you can’t go wrong with the Fiorenzato F4 AllGround. Extremely versatile, it allows you to easily switch between different grind settings. It also features several attractive color options, a touchscreen interface, and 64mm titanium-coated steel burrs that add on to the reliability of this grinder. 

                  How do I properly clean my Fiorenzato grinder?

                  What to Do Before Cleaning
                  Unplug your Fiorenzato grinder to ensure safety. Gather the necessary materials.

                  Cleaning the Grinding System

                  Materials Needed:

                  • Vacuum
                  • Cleaning brush
                  • Sharp, pointy wooden or plastic stick


                  1. Remove the Hopper: Undo the safety screw, pull off the hopper, and set it aside for cleaning.
                  2. Remove Components: Detach the safety screw from the grind wheel, press the disk lock, and twist the grind adjustment collar toward the coarse side until it comes off. Remove the upper burr chamber by pulling it upward. For the F83 E PRO, undo the latches to remove the hopper, grind wheel, and upper burr chamber at once.

                  Note: Re-adjust your settings after removing components, except for the F83 E PRO, which doesn’t require recalibration.

                  1. Clean the Burrs: Use a brush to remove residual coffee grounds from the upper and lower burr blades. Use a pointed wooden or plastic tool for hard-to-reach areas. Avoid metal tools to prevent scratches.
                  2. Get Rid of Excess Grounds: Remove the springs from inside the grinder using the pointy tool. Use a vacuum to remove excess grounds without accidentally vacuuming the springs. Avoid blowing on the grounds to prevent moisture buildup.

                  Reassemble the grinder, clean the hopper, and you’re done.

                  How to Clean the Hopper

                  Materials Needed:

                  • Microfiber cloth
                  • Mild, unscented dish soap

                  Wash the hopper with lukewarm water and soap using a nonabrasive sponge, rinse, and dry it with a microfiber cloth or by air drying. Once dry, reattach it to your grinder.

                  How often should I replace the burrs in my Fiorenzato grinder?

                  The simple answer is to follow the grinder burr manufacturer's recommendations for replacing burrs. However, for coffee professionals, these recommendations might exceed their quality standards. Some might choose to replace burrs at half their recommended lifespan (e.g., 880 lbs becomes 440 lbs). We advise customers to monitor burr condition closely. If you prioritize quality and are sensitive to the impact of dull burrs on espresso flavor and consistency, start checking for wear at 50%-75% of the recommended burr life. As long as your espresso looks and tastes great, your burrs are likely in good condition.

                  Fiorenzato recommendations:

                  Fiorenzato AllGround - change at 1,300lbs coffee throughput.
                  Fiorenzato F64 EVO PRO - change at 1,300lbs coffee throughput.
                  Fiorenzato F64 EVO XGi PRO - change at 1,300lbs coffee throughput.
                  Fiorenzato F83 E PRO - change at 2,000lbs coffee throughput.
                  Fiorenzato F83 E XGi PRO - change at 2,000lbs coffee throughput.